Heaven: Angelic Retribution

Heaven: Angelic Retribution

In night there is one thing that separates good from evil.
It is not the light which shines from windows
It is not the stars and moon that cast shadows upon the endless void of darkness.
It is what is decided within a creature’s soul.
The soul is what decides which is good
and which is evil.
If the soul tastes acrid and impure…
It could still have a sliver of goodness.
If the soul tastes sweet and addictive like candy…
It could be the most impure of all manifestations of evil.
So come and decide… For yourself…
Do not let some book decide for you…
Let your soul determine whether it is good or evil… Bitter or Sweet…
But then again…
What is bitter, and what is sweet?

©2002 Kitsune Kami a.k.a. Nicholas Taylor